Tuesday, January 27, 2015

We Have Two New Litters Of Puppies! Five Girls Are Ready For A Family and Five More Almost Ready!

I'm not sure where to begin this post. I knew for sure that Laney and Duelly bred. My grandchildren begged for one last time. I was told by the vet that Darby wouldn't be having anymore puppies. She was though and obviously has no signs of a heat and breeding. She was as grouchy to Duelly as she ever was. I think part of that is her babies, Laney and PeeWee are harassed by Duelly and the mother never quits being a mother or in the "pecking-order" for what dog does the sheep and goats work and which dogs stands and watches.

These puppies are from Laney and Duelly $350.00 and if you want to contact my daughter about the puppies her at stevenmarnie@gmail.com

The Puppies
This is Lottie and She's A Little One
Racer and She Plays Baseball
Her Name is Snow White and She Was Snow White
When She Was First Born

This Little Fluff-Ball Is Tinker and A Little Shy. She Loves
Being Held and Oh, "Dog Lips!"

She Is Not The Runt. Her Ears Are Up and Probably The First-out!
Her Name is Kanda and What a Mask!
I know it's like I'm introducing Beauty Contestants! These puppies are cutie-pies for sure. Laney and Darby never fail to bless us with puppies that have personalities and great color. They will perform on command. (Not really..Marnie is rolling-her-eyes!) They're puppies and will cause a huge change in your life! I'm not kidding!

Here's our Darby's little cuties. They're so little and it was so hard taking their pictures in a strange place. Momma was right there too, but they wanted to snuggle so bad and I should have held them before I took the pictures. I got lot of kisses after holding all the puppies. I think they wanted to be swaddled-up like a burrito. We were witnessing "separation anxiety" from their bed.

I made it worse by snapping photos with bright lights in their faces. I used the extra flash to not get the reflection back. My phone camera would've done that.

The puppies are only under 31/2 weeks old and they look like Guinea Pigs. When they're first born they almost look like rats minus the whiskers and the naked-snake tail. We had to try and keep their heads-up during the pictures and they wanted to hug the carpet. As soon as I started taking pictures they started crying and whimpering. Darby would lick the one up for the photo-shoot and sit and back and watch. Seems I've been there before with Kindergarten portraits for my own children.

The first two pictures are the 2 girls with my grand daughters holding them and then with the 3 boys.

Girl Puppies

Boy Puppies

I'm posting them individually. Remember, they are really still little babies and the color is just coming-in and I think the lightest girl will be a red merle. I'm still not really sure and I've been surprised before.
Oh yeah....They are named after cars. When all your kids are grown and the grandkids are at their own house, I get to name the puppies! No permanent name. I need to know each one by name and not have to describe it every time "we" talk puppies.

Jetta's Docked Tail (only one w/o a tail)
Here's The Boys:
Please check-back in on our brood as they get crazy in the next few weeks. They are just now thinking about eating solid (sloppy) food. And in no-way want out of  the large, shavings, whelping box. I think they could get used to my house real quick. I love holding them, smelling them, playing with them and I know I'll cry as each one finds another family. More pictures to come!

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