Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We Are Having Puppies May 29th (Approximately)

The Honeymoon's Over and 
Darby Is a Bit Morning Sick

Duelly, my dog will be the sire of this batch of puppies and this is an old picture! I didn't realize how much he's changed lately. While Darby was pregnant and feeding her last litter of puppies, Steve made these huge casseroles for the dogs. The dogs have become more boxy-looking and hefty. Duelly really benefited from Steve's cooking. He had gotten a lot stronger and now really runs the place. I can't emphasize that enough that he's in charge.

We had a sudden stop with the "dog dynamics" and nothing was normal when the baby lambs started coming. Darby's flirting came to an abrupt end at the beginning of courtship and obliviously there was this pause in her cycle. She became aggressive toward our other dogs. One is her own baby, Laney (below) They had been playing sweet all together and the lambs come and she goes into "lock-down." We have moved the lambs around a lot and finally she came into heat when she was sure the dogs would leave the lambs alone.

Darby was covered 2 or 3 times a day for almost a week. I'm not sure about the date because I don't think she was quite ready for him the first day or two. So she might just be delivering when we're also having our (baby) goat-kids. The kids are due on the 30th or 31st of May. May is going to be quite a Mother's Day Month. The best part of this is that I can help Darby after 3 or 4 weeks of nursing and give the puppies goat milk. They absolutely thrive on it!

Now For Some More News

Laney came into heat today. She wasn't quite ready to breed with Duelly, today. Laney has already had some heats and my daughter Marnie said her Laney should have a least one litter. We're all hoping it will calm her down just a little. She is one dog that is full of non-stop energy. Duelly is not her sire, but Darby is her mother (still) Laney lives next door and runs all over our place. We are still unsure if she's gotten over her stealing. She brings Preslee, my little grand daughter presents. She works all day at it and piles her treasures just at the end of their walk-way into their pretty house. Dead gophers aren't Preslee's favorite present in the pile, but at least Laney doing better than the cats catching varmints.

Preslee and Puppies
Laney As A Puppy
I took some pictures recently of Laney. It was early morning and the sun was hurting her eyes. She looks a little squinty. She has excellent conformation and is a smaller Heeler like Duelly.

Laney Breeding Tomorrow April 3rd.



Darby The Dam and Turbo Is The Sire for Laney
Laney's Daddy Turbo

Darby Keeping Watch Over Newborn Lambs

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